


We are totally looking forward to our gig in October, there will be lots of new music!

In the meantime, you can find new pictures from our concert at the Lokschuppm in July here.



For all of you asking when we play live again: on October 19th at Club 1019 you can hear us play



"an upcoming band from Vienna ... will rock the house on July 1st" - yes, we will!



The gig at the Lokschuppm in Klaus is coming closer!



We are devastated, that the great Austrian singer Willi Resetarits has passed away!



We will pause rehearsing over Easter but after that we will start working on new songs!


no April fools joke: today it was confirmed that we will play on July 1st in Klaus


Our gig at Café Carina was a huge success! Thank you for coming, you were the best audience!

And our collection for Ukraine aid brought a total of 250€ - for this also a huge THANK YOU!



Rehearsal for our gig at Café Carina are going well. All proceeds from the collection will go to humanitarian causes regarding the Ukraine.



It was in spring 2019, when four people met. Although they did not know each other, they wanted to form a new band. Soon they clicked and the Noisy Neighbors were born! We wrote songs, changed them and some have been discarded. We chose covers of songs we just like and wanted to play. Over time our program became bigger and after a year we felt it was time for a gig. But then the pandemic happened. A planned gig in fall 2020 was cancelled or at least postponed until an undisclosed future. And with all the lockdowns it was difficult to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule. So the goal of a gig in 2020 was rescheduled. And again in 2021, the Covid situation had not really improved and there was no way to think about a gig. But now in spring 2022 it will finally begin and on March 30th we will play at Cafe Carina in Vienna!